May 18, 2018

Many Beans Out There! Did You Know about the Varieties of Coffee?

Can you imagine the amount of coffee beans that exist? We show you some of them here.

Coffee beans are the raw material of any preparation of this beverage. These particular seeds are obtained from a shrub called coffee tree. According to their origin, they generally have distinctive characteristics such as flavor (criteria on taste include terms such as "citrus" or "earthy"), content, body, and acidity. These depend on the local environment where coffee plants grow, their method of processing, and the genetic or varietal subspecies.

The coffee tree can reach 10 meters high in the wild. However, in commercial crops, they are only allowed to grow to 3 meters. Its origin is located in Ethiopia and Yemen.


This is, among all types of coffee beans, the one that monopolizes almost all the coffee cups of the world. Currently, it represents between 70 and 80% of the world production. It is native to the mountains of southern Ethiopia and was the first type of coffee to be grown. Initially, they used only their leaves to prepare tea; although this form of consumption evolved to the currently prepared infusions. Today pulverized grains are used in filters, through which to pass hot water.


It is characterized mainly by having a soft and pleasant taste. It is usually associated with wild aromas and nuts, complemented by a sweet touch and acid in turn. These nuances so detailed will depend on many factors, such as water, grain, and any process involved in the preparation of a single cup. So it is normal to vary. Of what there is no doubt, is that its flavor is much more complicated than the robust.


Moka: this variety is native to Yemen. It is said that its name comes from the main exporting port of the country, whose name is Moka. In the past, it was the most important place to sell coffee to the world.

Java: after the moka, this is the most popular variety of coffee beans. They were introduced in the seventeenth century by the Dutch; remember that at that time, part of Indonesia was their colony. The grains produced in that place were exported to Europe, and they achieved great fame.

Kenya AA: it is a type of grain from Kenya. It enjoys an excellent prestige and a strong character and is usually planted on volcanic soil, rich in nutrients. Besides, it is recognized worldwide for its sophisticated and intense flavor. There are aromas of forest fruits with an acid touch.


It is initially from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This seed presents essential differences from the Arabica. It is a much more resistant type of shrub and therefore accepts a greater variety of terrains.

Another critical difference is that its caffeine concentration is between 2 and 3 times higher than the previous one, in a considerably smaller grain. However, it does not manage to overcome the Arabica in world consumption and is that both its aroma and taste are inferior.


The sensations that this seed produces in our palate are entirely different from that of his brother. The robust has a slightly bitter taste and less acid, which is combined with nuances of nuts and wood.

But that is not the only reason why it has been displaced from among the most demanding palates. The fact is that it is little perfumed, and together with a rougher and creamier texture, make it unattractive for the most delicate tastes. However, because of that texture, it is usually a very appreciated variety in the preparation of espresso coffees.


Due to the vast differences present between Arabica coffee and derivatives, and the Robusta, the idea of mixing them arose. The primary objective was to obtain coffees with combined properties. The most popular blend is java-moka. This is the first coffee blend that is known, and it is said that due to this geographical coincidence, these two types of grains could accidentally be mixed. By the time they noticed and tasted, the potential of the seed combination became clear.

Here at Coffland Corp, we will always have new themes for you! This time we wanted to show you the different types of coffee beans, and we hope that you discovered something new. Make sure to follow us on our social media for more!
We invite you to know the different beans of coffee; there are many! It will surprise you.

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May 17, 2018

Better Taste: With or Without Sugar?

If we don't use sugar, the coffee will be better?... or maybe we need a pinch of it?

Many people in the world, perhaps even yourself, have been involved in the big question of "Coffee with or without sugar?". Many say that without sugar the taste is more appreciated and others see merely unreasonable consuming it pure. If we do not use sugar, the coffee will be better?... or maybe we need a pinch of it?

Say yes to sugar?

We know many people who argue that this beverage should be taken without sugar because adding the sweet ingredient alters the taste of the drink and always prefer to enjoy a cup of coffee with its characteristic bitter taste. If we look closely, we can find some cold coffee drinks that within their recipe already contain sweet ingredients and are of great preference for many people, so in this case, the argument of coffee without sugar is lost.

Coffee, taken without sugar, improves attention and the ability to react to situations that demand mental acuity. It helps you make decisions faster, you get less confused, and few things escape. That's what caffeine does, and so does sugar alone, because glucose improves brain performance. What we have observed now is that taken together, putting sugar to the above generates a clear improvement in the retention of memorized data.

More important than the problem of sugar or not, is to know how to find the coffee of our preference; that is to identify the benefits of this wonderful grain and which varies depending on the place of harvest, type of grain, the method of cultivation and kind of roasting.

Sweetened or not, sharing and enjoying it is the important thing. And now that we concluded that putting sugar or not in our beverage only depends on the tastes of each person, we bring you extra information about our beloved coffee that would be great to know:

Very rich in antioxidants

Thanks to the presence of antioxidants, it protects us against diseases in which oxidative stress of the cells is involved, as is the case of neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. In fact, due to its antioxidant, vitamin and mineral content, several scientific studies indicate that coffee could come to be considered as a functional food.

Useful to activate the body and wake up

It is a natural drink that helps to enable and elevate alertness and is helpful to improve concentration for longer. For these reasons, it becomes an ideal beverage to consume in the morning, reducing drowsiness and increasing our vigilance during a couple of hours.

Here at Coffland Corp, our goal is to always have the best information, tips, and tricks for you regarding this enjoyable beverage. Do not miss any of our blogs and make sure to follow us on our social media accounts!

Perhaps only a pinch of sugar can do it better.

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May 16, 2018

When is the Best Time to Drink Coffee?

Do you want to know the perfect time for coffee? Maybe early in the morning is not the best option.
Do you want to discover the perfect time for coffee? Maybe early in the morning is not the best option. It is usual to hear the phrase "Until I drink coffee, I am not a person". It's usually very common in many people who, after having woken up in the morning, prepare a cup of well-loaded beverage. But... this time we wanted to find out the best time for a cup of coffee and what we discovered may surprise you.

Our biological cycle has as one of its objectives to release cortisol, if you take caffeine at the time of higher level of cortisol in blood is the same as taking a remedy when it is not necessary: it will have no effect and the body will generate resistance to that substance.

Circadian cycles

Each human being has an internal biological clock that resides in the brain, is defined as a specific condition that is repeated every day at the same time, that is, repeated every 24 hours. This clock is responsible for maintaining the order of rhythms of alertness, temperature, and hormonal production, causing the famous circadian rhythms. You may be wondering what our internal clock has to do with coffee consumption, well; we all know that if we want to sleep early, it will be better to avoid caffeine at night because when we consume it, we will alter our sleep cycle or circadian cycle.

The goal of the chronopharmacology and the studies of our circadian cycles is to administer the necessary components at the time they are needed (in this case, caffeine). Otherwise, we will be developing tolerance to the ingested component outside of your ideal schedule.

The best moment

In the mornings, mainly between 8:00 and 9:00, the hormone cortisol is found in the most significant peaks so that when we get up, we have sufficient stimulation thanks to the action of this natural hormone. It’s best to do it two or three hours after getting up. In this way, you will get to enjoy the stimulating qualities of this natural drink. The ideal time to take it would be between 9:30, 11:30 and after lunch, from 13:00 noon.

The natural light is an excellent way to stimulate the production of cortisol by your body. The reason is found in that light is an attractive option to boost the production of cortisol and thus increase our alertness. If you need to stimulate yourself but don’t want to drink coffee or don’t want to abuse it, go out is the best option.

Here at Coffland Corp, we take care of bringing the best information and the best tips about coffee for you. We hope that from now you will have your cup of joe at the best moment! Make sure to check our social media profiles to see more!
Morning, night, lunch... when is it better?

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May 15, 2018

Coffee takes sleep away: is this true or false?

Every time we notice the drowsiness over, our first solution is to make or buy a cup off coffee. Is it a myth? Is it a reality? Does it take your sleep away?
Sometimes, we need to have our body and mind active; is coffee the best option to accomplish that? Caffeine is a natural substance found in coffee, tea and also in cocoa seeds. Drinking coffee when we are sleepy has become the routine of many. But does it help us to be active? This time we were researching for you, all the truth about coffee and its power to get rid of sleep.
If sleep is what you want… don’t drink too much coffee!
Until now it wasn’t known why caffeine disrupts sleep, but many studies about it (the latest at the University of Colorado at Boulder and the Molecular Biology Laboratory of the Medical Research Council of Cambridge in England), have discovered that caffeine affects to our dream and delays the biological clock between 30 and 40 minutes. So all this seems to be true that coffee helps keep us awake. To understand the full effect of caffeine on our biological clock, you need to read the results of these studies.

The team of scientists from Colorado, which today publishes its results in the journal Science Translational Medicine, states: "In a 49-day long, with subject study, we found that a caffeine dose to that in a double espresso 3 hours before usual bedtime induced to a 40-minute phase delay of the circadian melatonin rhythm in humans This magnitude of delay was nearly half of the magnitude of the phase-delaying response induced by exposure to 3 hours of evening bright light that began at usual bedtime."

Circadian time: what is it?

This internal clock of humans makes a function through a biochemical mechanism that tunes the organism with the cycles of day and night. This clock is in charge of notifying the body when it is convenient to be ready to sleep or to make the effort of the day work.

The researchers examined the cells and found that caffeine affected circadian time by adenosine receptors that caused changes in cell chemistries, causing the body to become alert, blocking its ability to regulate fatigue both physically and intellectually, thus increasing the capacity for effort physical and mental.

Then now that you know...

Caffeine acts like that disco door big bouncer who doesn’t want to let adenosines "enter": Until it leaves, there is no way to sleep. Each person has a different response to caffeine, amounts as small as 250 milligrams can stimulate some people excessively, and others who consume it on a daily basis develop more tolerance.

Here at Coffland Corp, we make sure you know everything about coffee! This time we wanted the myth to be discovered and... it's true! Coffee has a superpower to keep you awake! Make sure to check out our social media profiles to contact us and keep learning with us all about our beloved beverage.
Sometimes we need to have our body and mind active, is coffee the best option for it?

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May 14, 2018

How to make a perfect coffee

This time we bring you the best ways and tips so you can make a perfect coffee by yourself.
Coffee is an ancient beverage that has managed to maintain itself as one of the infusions that cause great pleasure due to its aroma, flavor, and vitality. There are as many tricks to make coffee as people, and it is difficult to get two equal coffee machines. Every person likes to drink it in a specific way: espresso, short, long, with milk or black. This time, we bring you the best tips so you can make a perfect brew by yourself.

Get good ingredients

The first step is to choose the right water. It is the base of the infusion and should be the best possible quality; lousy water can spoil any preparation. Choose mineral water as much as possible, or at least not hard water. It must not present strange odors; it must be completely transparent and better of weak mineralization. In manual processes, it is recommended to drain the water just before boiling.

Coffee beans represent the second step. They are a delicate issue because they begin to lose properties the more processed they are. That is why it is convenient to buy coffee beans to grind at home, either with an automatic coffee machine or with a grinder: if it's manual, much better, although using a good electric grinder will always be better than buying ground coffee. They should also be well preserved; never buy coffee that has been exposed to air or light, because although it has not been ground, external agents also affect its quality.

Water-coffee ratio

Here depends a little on the particular tastes, but it is not a proportion that should be left to chance. The amount of coffee for each infusion is equally essential. If the portion of water is high, the drink will be lighter, with less body and aroma. To taste a soft beverage, one tablespoon of coffee (7 grams) per well of water (100 milliliters) should be used. If you prefer it a stronger, a little more of coffee should be used. The proportion will depend on each palate to discover the exact amount.

On time!

The maximum freshness is also essential at the time of tasting the drink. Without burning us, of course, but always freshly made. At the moment when it cools, we will not be able to appreciate the coffee at its maximum point. There is an exception to this rule: when we prepare cold or iced coffee.

As important as the temperature of infusion is the service, as it happens with food. It is advisable to prepare only what is going to be taken since coffee that is either rested or reheated loses its properties, let alone its flavor. If it is necessary to keep it for a few moments, it will be better in a thermos.

One last tip…

Keep the coffee in a tightly closed container and store it in a cool, dry place. Do not fall into excessive obsessions; the important thing is to enjoy. And you? How do you drink coffee? Do you have a particular trick or custom when it comes to preparing your coffee? We hope that these tips will help you with your coffee routine so that you can finally brew that perfect coffee that you deserve from the comfort of your home.

At Coffland Corp, we believe that a perfect coffee is the sum of its parts: ideal procedure along with great ingredients. That’s why we make sure to provide our customers with the best product possible for their brews! We work with exclusive farmers to bring you the result of selected crops, right to your business. Make sure to check out our social media profiles to contact us and make the most out of the power of a good cup of caffeine!

Everyone deserves to drink the perfect coffee, and there's nothing better than making it by ourselves.

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Many Beans Out There! Did You Know about the Varieties of Coffee?

Can you imagine the amount of coffee beans that exist? We show you some of them here. Coffee beans are the raw material of any prepa...