November 30, 2017

Coffee Brownies Recipe to Pair Up with Your Latte

These are some amazing coffee brownie recipes
Brownies are the perfect mates for steaming cups of latte art. 

Good lattes are a celebration on their own. They are amazing preparations of caffeinated love that can make you forget all the nagging troubles around you. Lattes have the power to really blow your mind and make you feel like a million dollars right after you drink them. But to enjoy the experience, they need to be paired. That’s right: you need to pair them up with something equally delicious. And if you’re the owner of a coffee shop or just a home coffee brewer, we have something for you. The perfect pair and an amazing buddy of your coffee: Coffee Brownies recipe that will blow your mind.

Coffee Brownies Recipe

440ml of cold coffee
500 g of black chocolate
160g of baking flour
200 g of sugar
80 g of brown sugar
140 gr of butter
90 g of cocoa
6 eggs
1 spoonful of vanilla

  • Preheat the oven to 340ºF and prepare your baking pan (40x40cm). Cover the bottom with parchment paper and butter (or cooking oil) and baking flour.
  • Chop the dark chocolate into small pieces. Melt the butter in a pan, low fire to avoid burning it up. Combine with chocolate and remove from fire.
  • Mix the eggs and sugar with a whisk or electric mixer and add the mixture of melted chocolate and butter. Add the vanilla.
  • Sift the flour, cocoa, and salt together to mix and remove any unwanted clumps.
  • Pour into the mix of chocolate and add the coffee.
  • Put into the prepared baking pan and place it in the preheated oven for 45-50 min. Check after 40 minutes, pinching with a wooden stick in the center. It should come out slightly stained with the mix, as brownies are preferred moist on the inside.
  • Let sit until it cools down, and then remove it. This gives you up to 40 small-medium portions.  
The flavor is perfect for you to pair with lattes, mochaccinos or cappuccinos, or even a glittery latte. And it can be decorated as festive as you’d like! They are, after all, the amazing product of coffee lovers, and are good for every season of the year, depending on the decoration you use. Sprinkle them with caramelized petals and buttercream, you get Spring Coffee Brownies, add chantilly and peppermint caramel, and you have Christmas Coffee Brownies. The possibilities are endless with this Coffee Brownies recipe!

Do you own a coffee shop and want to know what’s the best coffee to use in your store? Then look no further: Coffland Corp offers you the best alternatives when it comes to professional and personalized roasting. They create unique flavors thanks to their private brand service, and can offer you presentations for your use, or for your clients to purchase and take home! Want to know more? Check this blog and our social media profiles to find the variety of services Coffland Corp has for you!
This is the perfect brownie + coffee recipe
Learning how to make coffee brownies will surely change how you see this incredible dessert and coffee time!

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November 29, 2017

Amazing Glitter Coffee Trend That's Brightening up the World

Born in Australia, this trend is one of the most sparkling and interesting ideas on coffee so far!

Some things are really, really sparkling. Think of christmas, unicorns and coffee. Yes, you read that right: behold the Glitter Coffee! Australia keeps on bringing interesting takes on your everyday brew with this amazing and delicious cup of awesomeness with sparkle. It’s the fabrication of creative minds in Melbourne, this latte is sure to brighten up your day! Coffland Corp learned all about this incredible trend to show you that coffee can take interesting forms!

How is Glitter Latte made?

Well, it all begins with fairy dust, poured into a cup of… Nah, just kidding. While there’s no official explanation as to how they do it, coffee lovers and baristas agree with me in this assumption of the process. Much like any other latte, the milk is foamed, then poured into the cup that contains the espresso shot. This is when the magic happens: over this concentrated coffee, a healthy dose of glitter; then, foamed milk is poured in and turned into latte art. Most of the sparkle will float over the cup.

But, one thing first: depending on the milk and the kind of coffee, your latte can variate. Just be sure to pick an edible glitter that’s not fairy-dust-thin. You need it to be able to keep itself afloat, without being mixed in the latte while it’s done. You’d have to pour milk a bit slower too, doing it too fast will dilute and mix the sparkle.

Is glitter latte good or bad?

Opinions vary as far as how good the sparkling effect is. In fact, most people say the flavor really does not change. The texture, however, it’s another story. Most coffee lovers agree that everything that’s poured into the mix changes the texture. Somes say that sparkling coffee it’s denser thanks to the added ‘weight’ of the glitter. Some others say that, in fact, it makes the coffee taste strange like is not completely silky-smooth.

But we’re not ones to judge! You should be making your own opinion by learning how to make it, or simply by taking a trip down to Melbourne to try it! There’s also American-based coffee shops that now make these sparkling beverages, and while that’s awesome, the Australian origin makes it all the more interesting! You can browse Instagram and see how sparkle potentiates many incredible latte art figures and how glitter-lovers are basically losing it over these amazing cups.

While this interesting coffee shop keeps on making incredible lattes, mochaccinos, and cappuccinos with sparkle, we’ll keep on trying them. After all, a good coffee is sure to brighten up your day, one way or the other! And if it has actual sparkle, the better! After all, who wouldn’t want to get a delicious and Instagram-worthy cup as a daily pick-me-up?

Regardless of what you’ve heard, the best thing you can do is try it on your own! But make sure to make it with the best products on the market: yes, we mean Coffland Corp line of amazing roasts. They are the top representatives of private brands and vending services that rely on its quality coffee to make clients fall in love with them. They, like you, are much in tune with the things coffee lovers want, and one of those is Glitter Coffee! Check their social media profiles to know more about their service and share the experience of coffee love!
Australia keeps on amazing us with their coffee creativity!

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November 28, 2017

The Ancient Ritual of Ethiopian Coffee Brewing

Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony
In this African nation, the ritual we know as brewing has other cultural aspects.

Coffee has been flowing over the cups over decades. And many countries claim to have unlocked the flavor of these beans. But the reality is that most experts agree on something: trailing back coffee, we can find its birthplace in the heart of Africa. More precisely, in Ethiopia. And today, you’ll know how this amazing culture marveled the world with these valuable beans. More than that: you’ll explore how the coffee brewing has become a tradition among Ethiopians. Get into the #CoffeeHistory with Coffland Corp!

Why Ethiopia?

If you’re a coffee lover, then you surely know that Ethiopian coffee it’s one of the best out there. And there’s a reason for that. Over its myths, a careful process ensures that each cup you get has the right amount of flavor. In fact, the most consumed strain of coffee (arabica) originated in this land, and while its farming has spread out to other latitudes, the most sought-after arabica seeds are Ethiopian.

The myth says that the origin of coffee began with goats. Yes, that’s right, you have to thank these animals for your brew! Legend says that a farmer saw his goats get energized after eating a certain fruit. He got curious and tried them himself, roasting them, and bam! Coffee was born. Although it has been experiencing interesting changes over and over since its discovery, goats involved or not, the root cause of the modern product can be found in Ethiopia. We’ve all been loving it ever since!

Coffee Ritual in Ethiopia

But what makes drinking coffee in Ethiopia an experience for coffee connoisseurs it’s the craft behind every single cup. Its native tribes and citizens have kept the tradition alive, creating a land of cultural enrichment behind the flavorful Ethiopian coffee. There’s a strong element of veneration and pride in this ceremony, and it’s not a simple ceremony, it can take up to two hours, so be aware that you’re in for the long run towards great flavors with it.

The traditional ceremony, Buna, it’s about union and peace. Families use it to resolve problems, to ask for marriage, and other important occasions in people’s lives. The first part is the roasting: ceremonially dressed, the woman in charge showcases the roast to its patrons. They will debate and consider the purity and quality of the beans; then it’s ground and infused.

This is done in a Jebena. This instrument, a clay container that creates the first cup of coffee: Abol. It’s the most powerful amongst all three. Most qualities of coffee can be perceived through this, and it’s one of the fundamentals of its consumption that represents the cause of the ceremony. It invites to resolve it, through dialogue and awareness of other people’s minds and feelings. It's also about respect for all those, but especially on behalf of the honored party.

Tona is the second cup, and it often comes with a salty appetizer, like seeds A bit diluted with water, represents communication and finding ways of solving the problem. Being a familiar dispute or a marriage request, this cup represents conversation. And just until the solution arises, with an agreement of all parts involved, is when you can really get the third cup. This means that as long as there’s not a solution, the woman in charge will not start to prepare the next step.  

Baraka, it’s the third and final cup. It represents the resolution and the general agreement of all parties involved. It’s a softer coffee cup and represents joy and unity. It’s fundamentally a finalization of the issue and a clear showcase of community that characterizes Ethiopian communities. This ceremony is considered sacred, so be grateful and accepting when an Ethiopian invites you to it, as it’s equal to acceptance and welcoming you into their circle.

As you can see, coffee is not something that’s just prepared in a couple of minutes. Some cultures consider it part of their identity and identify with this event to showcase their heritage. Do you know some other ceremonies that are as profound as this when it comes to coffee? Let us know in the comments or share on social media using the #CofflandSocial hashtag!
Ethiopia, possible coffee birthplace
While its origins are unknown, there's a good chance that coffee was born in this East African country.

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November 27, 2017

How much caffeine does your coffee have?

Caffeine in coffee
The method of preparation changes the levels of caffeine that each cup contains.

We all love to get a punch of caffeine during your daily routine. In fact, there’s a good chance that by now, you’ve had your daily dose of electric energy within a cup of brew. But do you know how much caffeine you have per cup? While here’s a standard number going around (95grs) per cup, the reality is that depending on the kind of coffee you pick, the caffeine levels will vary immensely. So, do you really want to know how much you’re getting per day? Let’s break it down for you!

What makes caffeine levels vary?

This is a good question, coffee lover. It’s important that you know that every ounce of coffee you drink, regardless of the presentation, has been through a different process. It’s fundamental that you comprehend this, as the same espresso shot you get in one store, can contain different levels of caffeine than one that you get on the store on the other corner.

  • But, what affects them? Here’s a list of factors.
  • Roasting time.
  • Grind size.
  • Types of beans.
  • Brewing methods.

As you can see, all of these factors affect your caffeine levels. But studies have shown that a distinctive amount can be found, and it’s the number that’s used to define the average levels. But now, let’s break down how much caffeine you can find in your cups of coffee.


A normal cup of espresso contains about 95gr of caffeine. And while this might not seem relevant, you need to understand that this amount of this powerful neurostimulant it's an instant jump into your system. You need to revisit how many cups of coffee you get per day if what you prefer is this.


Your average decaf contains a range from 3 to 15gr of caffeine per cup. Remember that this huge variation depends on the decaffeinating methods your preferred brew pics. It’s important that you know that while this contains small levels of neurostimulant components, most of the time it keeps the other beneficial properties of regular coffee.

Lattes and related beverages

Lattes contain milk, and while this dilutes coffee, it doesn’t increase the overall caffeine levels in the cups. In fact, it makes them just slightly lower. Your average latte contains up to 65gr of caffeine, while mochaccinos and cappuccinos contain slightly higher levels of caffeine. It’s important that you consider these drinks as softer versions of espressos, but equally powerful when it comes to waking you up.

Traditional brew
The method of this brew is what most homes do: boil water and pour it over ground beans. This, believe it or not, generates more caffeine than any other method in the list: up to 140gr per serving! This means that if you like to drink it this way, you need to be wary as you can consume a large amount of caffeine per day.

Did you check how much caffeine you drink per day? Then it’s time for you to do it! Here at Coffland Corp, we believe that coffee must be an incredible experience. Then we offer you alternatives to build your brand from scratch, making a unique flavor for you and all your clients! Make sure to contact us through our social media profiles and know more about what we have to offer you!  
This change depends on a variety of factors, and you could know them all now!

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Google+: CofflandCorp

November 24, 2017

A Perfect Coffee Shop for Cat Lovers Is Happening!

Would it bother you that your coffee had a little bit of fur?

Cat lovers, beware! There’s a place for you in the far corner of the earth, and you’re going to love it! This coffee shop prides itself on being the best place for a cat to have a cup and for a good reason. They are hailed as Gods, in a store you can pet and enjoy the company of this amazing animals for a small extra fee. Today at Coffland Corp, we present you the concept of Neko Cafe, places to be when you can not mew-low down your love for cats!  

Cafe Jalala

Located in Akihabara, Japan, this store is one of the first places that decided to make animals part of the coffee experience. Neko Cafés are born out of the minds of people that wanted to make a different space for coffee lovers too. Japan is one of the best places to create this kind of stores: its culture is curious and open, and prides on the care and love they have for cats. Most people can’t have a pet, so why not offer them the experience, while having a warm cup?

You can enjoy a cup of coffee while petting a cat for just a few extra bucks from your purchase, and you can pick from the tables a selection of docile and beautiful felines available. They roam and share with customers, and while you can not feed them with human meals, the store also offers great options for customers to feed the beloved stars of the local.

And it’s incredibly popular! Initiatives like this have been growing in the Asian country and throughout the continent for a variety of reasons: these are places where people can relax and have animal contact. The benefits of petting animals are known, but for people that can’t afford or aren’t allowed to have one in their house, getting a fix of animal contact it’s incredible! And of course, the coffee they make is excellent!

Coffland Corp knows that the experience of coffee goes beyond a cup, so we want to know your experience with it firsthand. Share pictures and comments about your experience with coffee and pets! And if you’ve ever visited some Neko Cafés, the better! We want to know your opinion about this amazing concept!
At the Neko Café, you will feel like a cat lady.

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November 23, 2017

Coffee or Beer? Which One Is the Best Social Drink?

The most famous beverages finally face each other!

Social drinking is not something strange to humankind. Over the centuries, people have been gathering around to sip their preferred beverage while chatting, sharing experiences, mourning or celebrating accomplishments. This makes a habit of drinking something while sharing with friends, family or strangers a thing that’s completely normal. Now, the beverage is where people differ the most. While for some tea is great,  for others a good infusion is better, the real fight starts between coffee and beer. And we’ll break it down for you!

What’s a social drink?
We could simplify it by saying “people drink beverages when they are with others,” but things are rarely that simple. The social drinks are much more than that, they are part of the culture of society and fit within the parameters of the acceptable for each country. Some (while stronger in the beverage chart) are accepted in a land and banned in another! So, saying that it’s just something people drink is a mistake.

Social drinks are beverages that people use in the company of their companions to share their experiences. Over the rims of glasses, cups, and bottles they bond, creating a link that goes well beyond the simplified experience of gathering. For many, drinking along with their buddies it’s a ritual, while for some is a need. It depends on the context, but socializing around them it’s fundamental in their description and consumption, whether it's done consciously or not.

Beer as a social drink

Beer is one of the most accepted social drink in modern society. It’s, in fact, one of the oldest beverages in humankind record. In this time, it’s transformed in the first beverage of the alcoholic drinks list. People have been consuming it from ancient times, and cultures like the Vikings and the royals of England have been using them to socialize since centuries ago. But why?

Getting a bit tipsy is a sure way to release inhibitions, yes, beer has certain properties that make it great to socialize around. Beer is a diuretic and a physiological enhancer. Yes, you read that right: while you share with your friends, you’re boosting your health. But be careful: too much beer makes your body suffer, so having one once in a while with your mates it’s a great thing, but don’t take it too far.  

Coffee as a social drink

Coffee is at the top of the list when you say “Let’s meet up” during office hours. Most offices and workplaces have a coffee shop around and for a good reason. While this is one of the most serious places where you can be chatting up about important matters, it’s also a great place to relax. Many pair coffee with a good sweet and you’re all set for a social chat.

Coffee is a good social drink because it has instant benefits. As a warm beverage, it’s great to consume while you’re stressed, and it’s also an instant focus tool. Its advantages over the beer? You can use coffee as a social beverage at almost any time of the day, and people won’t bat an eye about it! It’s also a great base for several meals, desserts and other beverages.
Which one is better?
Beer and coffee are among the top beverages to socialize. And while each one of them has their pros and cons, it’s normal that you’d like to know which one is the best. Honestly, we can not tell you which one is definitely better! It all depends on your personal preferences. And the environment in which you socialize.

If you’re a person that loves to share late nights with your friends and partying, there’s a good chance that your preferred social drink is beer. While if you’re more of a late afternoon and chat person, coffee is your first choice for sure. Both of them are great alternatives if consumed within reasonable margins. Remember that all extremes are bad, you can make the most out of social drinks if you get a drink with responsibility and care!

Coffland Corp offers you unique combinations and flavored coffee packages that you can make your own. Regardless of your preferred combination, or if you’re going to mix them both, you’re going to be drinking them for quite a while. Enjoy coffee or beer (or both if you want!) to make the most of them! Share your experiences with us using the hashtag #CofflandCorpSocial and remember that you can get amazing products just by contacting our offices!  
The last word is yours!

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November 22, 2017

Which Professionals Consume More Coffee?

Tasting your mug at the office is no longer a guilty pleasure.

Coffee is the beverage of professionals. There’s rarely one profession in which this energizing beverage is prohibited, and many employers even have coffee vending services within their offices. For decades, there has been a subtle fight about which professionals drink more brew on a daily basis, what profession truly drinks the most? It’s time to know if yours is on this caffeinated list!  

Scientists and Investigators

Brains and discoveries require caffeine. They are the top-ranked coffee consumers in the workforce. In fact, they consume up to 3 cups of coffee per day! That means that their intake of caffeine is off the charts! Most of their coffee is jet black and overly sweet. This can be for a variety of reasons, but the top of them might be the function of coffee as a neurostimulator.

As you surely know, the brain needs a lot of sugar to function. The components in a sweet cup of coffee are full of this, and they help enhance the speed of the neurological connection. Coffee is also part of the social norm on labs: their late hours and long days in office require something to boost them up. Hence, the constant brewing!

Marketing Specialists

Believe it or not, marketing is extremely stressing. It’s, in fact, one of the most complicated jobs in the field right now. With the growth of social media, the variable nature of the users of social media, and the sheer number of data are enough to drive anyone crazy. But they pair up their work with a good cup of coffee and making it all great! Marketing professionals (community managers, social media strategists, bloggers, graphic designers, to name a few) are more likely to stay up late in front of a computer or a smartphone.

They need the caffeine to stay fueled and to open up their brain to creative endeavors that brands and clients love. Do you remember that publicity you loved? Or that commercial that blew your mind? Well, there’s a good amount of coffee behind that! And many sleepless nights from the professionals in charge of doing it! They are often the ones that also work out product labels and the like, so if any product catches your eye from the aisle, coffee is surely behind its design.

Professors/Educational personnel

Teaching new generations the things they must know to succeed is not easy. Administrative personnel, teachers, professors and education professionals are more than likely to have a good cup of coffee by their side when they're working. And by working, I mean correcting tests, creating lesson plans or simply preparing themselves for the challenge of education. They are often seen sipping from a cup of steaming coffee.

However, they are more likely to add cream or milk to their coffee, making the caffeine levels less significative. This doesn’t mean that they don’t enjoy a jet black coffee on late nights. When it comes to administrative tasks, they also pair up and meet up with their coworkers to mingle around a cup of coffee. For them it’s also a social beverage, meaning that there’s a good chance they take breaks to sip their brews just for the sake of chatting.


Creativity and proper words don’t come easy. I say it with the right of being a writer gives me! In fact, in almost any writer's’ desk or work area you can find the imprint of a coffee cup bottom rim on the surface. Probably some dots of the occasional drop in one or two sheets of paper lying around. Why? Because for long hours of writing, coffee and other caffeinated beverages are there, being faithful companions to the brain of writers.

And this is not even new! Great poets, novelists, and storytellers from other eras used and abused coffee as their fuel. There are countless quotes over coffee in literature, and for a good reason. Caffeine is the mother of many ideas and the base for several incredible tales of wonder. And while tea fights it on the battlefield of creativity, coffee springs out victoriously as the fuel of literate minds!
Doctors/Health professionals
The health benefits of coffee are countless. You can find its incredible properties in many articles on this blog, but health professionals take a step further. Doctors, nurses and health professionals, in general, use coffee as their daily fuel. From college on, they acquire the habit of drinking coffee, and it’s imprinted on their routines. After long hours of late night study, strenuous sessions of reading and learning complex terminology, you can see how coffee might be of help. Doctors are especially prone to being coffee lovers, particularly when they study in groups.

Long hours on call also have that effect on them: doctors, nurses and all the health professionals love to jump in with a little bit of caffeine in their system. They also know the benefits of drinking and the counters of over drinking coffee, but they are careful most of the time. In recent times, doctors have become more lenient when it comes to allowing their patients to drink up a bit of freshly brewed coffee, as they know that it’s not as dangerous as it was painted in the past.

What’s your profession and your daily consumption of coffee? Make sure to share it with us in the comments or through our social media profiles. We want to know how you experience coffee in the world, and remember that Coffland Corp offers you unique and special combinations for you to create your private brand. Make sure to check out the publications to know more about our services as professional roasters!
According to studies, these are some careers that have a greater need for coffee.

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Many Beans Out There! Did You Know about the Varieties of Coffee?

Can you imagine the amount of coffee beans that exist? We show you some of them here. Coffee beans are the raw material of any prepa...