January 31, 2018

You Won't Believe These Weird Coffee Recipes!

weird ingredients in coffee recipes
Not all ingredients have to be sweet to taste good

If you are still looking for a killing recipe that blows the mind of your clientele, ingredients and presentation have to be unique. But we know that it is difficult to accomplish sometimes because businesses often choose the classic ones. These owners underestimate that the new generation of customers, most of them millennials, love to be surprised and take a risk when it comes to ordering food.

Imagine being recognized for having an original and chic place to visit? Believe us when we tell you that this type of drinks calls the attention of editorials and specialized blogs, which is always a great way to get publicity!

Coffee is such a versatile drink that can go with whatever you imagine. Around the world, some cafés offer at least one option that breaks the mold. Please take note of these crazy, yet fantastic beverages that can inspire you to create one of your own!

Coffee with salt

Apparently, in Taiwan, people like to drink coffee with a little bit of sea salt. In that country, it is a custom to add salt to tropical fruits, like mango and pineapple. In a coffeehouse called 85C Bakery Café, they experiment with these kinds of combinations. Why? Taiwanese commensals like to feel as many flavors as possible in one bite. There is even an ice cream top with pieces of pork! Talk about inventive people!

Coffee ice cream

Instead of serving coffee in cups as usual, why don’t you try ice cream popsicles made out of espresso or late? Coffee businesses located in warm weather regions, often offer this option. They just add some syrup and chocolate sprinkles, et voilá!

Coffee and beer

In Los Angeles, California it is now more common that baristas mix coffee with alcohol. They used cold-brewed espresso, beer hops, and carbonated water. Also, they use a tonic, black coffee, and water to create a caffeinated-kick kind of drink.

A cheesy one

If you think you have seen everything and had all the ideas you need to personalize your business, you probably do not know about coffee and cheese. It is called Kaffeost, and it is a Swedish tradition to dip slices of white cheese in coffee. The citizens of Sweden say that this combination is simple and delicious!

Pistachio butter coffee

Also in California, in Little Tokyo and Santa Monica to be exact, people cannot stop talking about a new signature coffee drink with pistachio butter as the base ingredient. And this is the part when they add coffee? No! The butter pairs up with rose water and honey syrup, with the addition of steamed milk and espresso on top.

If you follow Coffland Corp through our social media accounts to keep up with more articles like this one, we promise you to continue finding ideas to help you build up your dreamed coffee business. Also, you can contact us if you want us to provide you with best Colombian coffee, so you get to offer the best quality products to your clients.

Try new coffee recipes
Don't be afraid of trying something different!

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January 30, 2018

These Are the Coffee Guinness World Records You Probably Didn't Know about

coffee records in competitions
When coffee turns into a competition, there are no boundaries.

Yes, coffee challenges you, to be the best you can be, to conquer your dreams. It’s motivating when you drink it in the morning and inspiring when you remember those moments in your life that are linked to a cup of coffee and a good conversation.

In that sense, many businesses in the coffee industry have used breaking or creating a Guinness World Record as a marketing strategy to gain a loyal clientele and international recognition. You probably don’t know that there are hundreds of records regarding coffee out there, but they get bigger and better by the second, especially in National Coffee Day!

Most of them are simple and certainly easy to accomplish at your home, like the world’s most prominent coffee cup tower; while other people choose to do something over the top or artistically stunning, involving artist and a whole community. 

We have prepared a list of the Guinness World Record we though can surprise and inspire you, to do and break them for your business.

Two in one

For the most massive coffee mug and the biggest drink ever brewed, a gourmet restaurant spent over 8 hours brewing 2,010 gallons of ground coffee to fill a giant 8x8 foot mug. It happened in 2010 and broke the previous record for the largest cup of coffee set in 2007 of just 911 gallons.

Fastest cappuccino servers

In Hobart, Tasmania, a coffee shop won a Guinness World Record recognition after serving  289 cappuccinos, beating the previous record by 18 cappuccinos. Its owner said that it was possible thanks to the help of the community. Now the customers who visit the coffee shop can be sure their coffee will be made at lightning speed.

He is a record breaker

Saimir Strati is an artist known for creating and breaking his records with unique pieces of art using all kinds of objects like toothpicks and tacks. He raised the bar in 2012 with a new largest coffee bean mosaic, and set his 7th Guinness World Record! He recreated two birds using green and roasted beans.

A coffee-powered car 

Yes, apparently there are coffee-powered cars. The most famous one was called Car-puccino. The car could travel just using coffee as combustible for about 209 miles in March 2010. It was a 1988 Volkswagen Scirocco. It could move one mile for every 56 espressos and can go as fast as 60 miles per hour.

The largest coffee cup pyramid

Five German friends build up, during eight hours, a 13 feet tall pyramid made out of coffee cups.  It took 22,140 coffee cups to complete it. They explained that they just wanted to celebrate their love for coffee. Their names are Melanie Lütkefent, Vanessa Höft, Miriam Plümer, Arman Schlieker and Damian Krey.

Make your coffee business, or restaurant, stands out from the competition by breaking one these records, but also you can use them as inspiration for creating a record of your own with the help of all your enthusiastic clients! Follow us a Coffland Corp through our social media accounts to learn more about the coffee world and its amazing facts!

How many records regarding coffee are out there?
It's never too late to break someone else's record!

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Google+: CofflandCorp

January 29, 2018

Snacks You Can Pair Up with Your Cup of Coffee

foods that taste good with coffee
Adding food to your coffee experience takes it to another level of greatness.

We have mentioned before how good of a marriage it is coffee mixed with chocolate. Yes, they're a match made in heaven! But we want to dig deeper into the food industry to find out more options. Why? We want to make drinking coffee a unique and desirable experience. If you have a business in this market, keep reading!

Adding snacks to your menu to pair them with coffee is necessary for this competitive market, and a smart business decision. Especially if most of your clients are on-the-go workers in an office nearby. Of course, you have to consider the perfect balance between sweet, salty and bitter.

Luckily we have created a list of the most appropriate, yet delicious food as coffee companions. From breakfast to dessert, let your customer choose and pick an all-time favorite combination without making it overly complicated to your employees. 

Coffee and the perfect snacks

First things first, we warn you this can potentially make your mouth water nonstop! Here you have snacks that go well with coffee.


Baked goods are probably ingrained in the daily lives of many so you can go by offering them in the shape of muffins, or in perfectly cut slices. Remember adding a final touch of decoration and a signature ingredient, maybe Colombian coffee beans! 

These are our suggestions:
  • Carrot cake
  • Chocolate cake
  • Brownie
  • Biscotti
  • Oatmeal cookies
  • Muffins 


Eating fruit with coffee is refreshing and healthy. You can offer fruits and fruit-based snacks. Our suggestion is to prepare them as natural as possible. Be careful with adding too much sugar or overpowering a sour flavor. 

These are our picks:
  • Fruit salad
  • Berries salad
  • Tarts
  • Dry fruit and granola
  • Cranberry-Pistachio Granola


We're talking about balance! It can't get better than going from fruit to fried food! A combination of sweet and salty that pairs perfectly with black coffee. PS: Add to the menu some suggestions, so your clients know what goes well with their drink. 

You can try this out:
  • Murukku
  • Fried potato wedges
  • Fried green plantain
  • Fried granola bars 

And breakfast!

There is nothing better than brunching in a café. But of course, do not complicate too much if you decide to offer a breakfast menu. Remember that food tastes good when is made with love and simple steps. 

Here you have our recommendations:
  • The New York City bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich
  • Omelets
  • Pancakes with maple syrup
  • French toasts
  • Egg and cheese sandwich

And there are many more food alternatives for you to pick! You can ask the participation of your customer if you like and look for inspiration in your local market. At Coffland Corp, we want to enrich your entrepreneur experience in the coffee industry, so keep checking our article for inspiration and follow us on our social media accounts!

How to pair up coffee with good food
These matches are made in heaven.

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Instagram: CofflandCorp

Google+: CofflandCorp

January 26, 2018

Incredible Curiosities in Coffee History

Facts about coffee through history
From Ethiopia to Colombia, coffee has touched every heart and soul through history

You probably drink coffee every morning and maybe more than once a day. You are aware that to get to your cup, your favorite beverage comes a long way. Beans, which are coffee seeds, are planted and mature for about five years. The cherries are then processed to obtain the bean that will be roasted.  

But, did you know that coffee has a great historical background as rich as its flavor is? You better keep reading to find more reasons to love it. You won’t believe how grateful you should be for goats! 

The incredible coffee history

And of course, every good story starts with a legend, especially if what came next were scandal, revolutions, slavery, and colonization. Want to know how incredible coffee history is?

Thank you, goat!

Legend has it a 9th-century Ethiopian goat herder discovered coffee by accident. His name was Kaldi. He noticed that some of their goats were jumping wildly and yelling more than usual after eating red berries, know these days as coffee cherries, the actual fruit of its plant. What happened next is that he tried one himself, and felt energized quickly. Soon enough everyone else knew the treasure it was.

A trick of the Devil

Ethiopian monks try to burn those cherries as soon as they found out their effects. They believed that Kaldi’s discovery was a trick of the Devil, but once they started feeling its aroma while roasting, they changed their mind. The monks recovered the beans and ground them to make tea.

Religions around the world were generally against coffee consumption. Some of the local clergies condemned coffee, calling it a “bitter invention of Satan”. In the 1600s there was a controversy over whether or not Catholics could drink coffee, luckily Pope Clement VIII said it was okay. Thanks, Pope!

First coffee houses

First coffee houses were in Egypt, Syria, and Ethiopia. The beverage became highly popular after Ottoman Sultan’s blessing. He drunk it, and it's a universal belief that he is responsible for its general enjoyment of conversations and gatherings when brewing some coffee to share. Ottoman Sultan executed the governor of Mecca for closing down coffee houses and restored all those businesses. 

Irreconcilable differences

Coffee was also a reason to divorce. Rumor has it that in the ancient Arab culture the only way a woman could legally divorce was if her husband did not provide enough coffee. If the argument was justified, she was free from that marriage.

It's expansion

When coffee found its way to Europe it was known as Arabian wine, this is because coffee comes from the Arabic “wine of the bean.” Eventually, the word became “koffie” in Dutch and “caffe” in Italy. This delicious drink was pass to the hands of the world’s soon-to-be colonizing nations: Brazil became the world’s first producer in the 1800s, at one point producing 80% of the world’s beans, followed by Colombia and Venezuela.

Isn’t this amazing? At Coffland Corp, we share with our clients and readers our love for coffee. Follow us on social media for unique information about the world’s favorite drink and contact us if you are interested in our services especially our private label products!  

Coffee facts and curiosities in history
These facts demonstrate that coffee is a treasure for humankind

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January 25, 2018

How Many Types of Coffee Beans Are Out There?

These are the main types of coffee beans
Coffee beans vary in their size, shape, color, and flavor.

If you think coffee does not taste the same depending on how you brew it or the recipe, you should also consider that the types of beans also do the trick. They come in various sizes, colors, shapes, and of course, flavor!

The most common ones are four, currently in commercial circulation. By knowing how to identify them, you can easily become a coffee connoisseur. Be open to experiment with all types of beans to discover the perfect one for your now refined palate. In this article, you will learn about its origins and characteristics!

Types of coffee beans

All of them are the same when harvested, roasted and brewed to become that delicious drink you call coffee. Keep reading to find out where the similarities end!


Originally, Arabica coffee came from Arabia, but it has been cultivated in many parts of the world. Particularly South America and especially in Colombia. It’s the most commonly produced coffee bean. It accounts for more than 60% of the world’s coffee production. It’s fragile and must grow in cool, subtropical climates because plants of this type need a lot of moisture, fertile soil, and shade. Also, the tree is small and easy to take care of, in the right conditions their small stature also makes harvesting easier.

When it comes to taste, experts have qualified the beans as variational. With an extensive taste range, they can go from sweet-soft to sharp-tangy, but they always have a mild flavor, probably since Arabica takes about seven years to mature fully. According to the farmers, it’s easy to identify them because before roasting they smell like blueberries.

Arabica varieties are 12 in total, being Typica and Bourbon the main ones. Then you have Caturra, Catuai, Pache comum, Pache colis, Catimor, Kent, Mundo Novo, Maragogype, Amarello, Blue mountain, which all grow in different regions around the world and also manage to have excellent quality.


Robusta is less sweet than Arabica, and still, it’s found in some of the least desirable and in some of the most prized coffees in the world, because almost all instant coffee is made from Robusta beans. The smell of Robusta beans is described as raw-peanutty before roasting.

When growing, the Robusta plant is strong and resilient in high-temperature environments with low latitude; this is why it produces more finished products per acre and require reasonably low production costs.

Connoisseurs consider that the Robusta beans’ bitter taste gives it a more substantial body for a good espresso. Also because it has higher levels of caffeine, a good quality Robusta will not lose flavor when adding milk or sugar.


Physically, they are unique! Liberica beans are larger than the others, often asymmetrical, and are the only coffee beans in the world that have such an irregular shape. People say their aroma consists of floral and fruity notes that are unmistakable to identify. These days it’s difficult to have a pure Liberica coffee cup due to the high demand for Arabic and Robusta coffee.

It’s the reason why Liberica has run into near extinction in the past, and it’s a rare commodity that can be expensive. It will make your mouth water knowing that it has a smoky, nutty, dark chocolate flavor when roasted and brewed.


Excelsa contributes to 7% of coffee production around the globe. Yes, it’s that exclusive! Because of its shape and form of cultivation Excelsa has been recently re-classified as a member of the Liberica family. But when it comes to taste, coffee lovers consider that these two could not be more different. Just like Liberica, Excelsa coffee beans are cultivated in medium altitudes and possess teardrop shape in almost every size.

Grow mostly in Southeast Asia, the beans have a tart and fruity body, and for many connoisseurs, their flavor is always a mystery. Many house blends use this variety because it adds complexity and depth.

How many of them have you tried? Did you know that most types of coffee bean are ground together to create unique combinations? In Coffland Corp, we offer our services as providers of distinct combinations of flavors and private label elaboration if you want to stand out from the competition with signature beverages. Contact us to find out more!

Main types of coffee beans and how to differentiate them!
An introduction to identifying the characteristics of the main types of coffee beans.

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January 24, 2018

Unusual Decorative Techniques to Create an Outstanding Coffee Shop

How to decorate a coffee shop
Coffee shops feature all sorts of interesting interior designs these days.

The coffee industry is very competitive, and when it comes to business rules, you can easily break them to stand out from everyone else. Although it's all about a proper brewing technique and a killing menu, millennials are attracted to originality and, of course, to social media friendly decor. Clean and elegant lines or messy ones yet intelligently well put together antiques will do the trick.

If you are an entrepreneur that is starting a business or you need to revamp your place to attract more clients. We have prepared what we consider are the best decorating trends for cafés around the world. Take note and feel inspired!

Invite the nature

These days decoration is all about nature. The greener the place, the better. You can add small pots of plants on the tables, counters, entry, the windows ledges, and even the bathroom! The most common ones that are durable and low maintenance are those that belong to the rubber and the snake-plant families, cactus, Chinese evergreen, and pothos in every way and form. They resist to almost every weather and don’t need watering more than once a week.

Play with different materials

What is also trending right now is Scandinavian design. Its characteristic signature is the combination of materials and textures with minimalist style. If you take a look at what this is about, you will notice modern furniture mixed with vibes from the 50’s and the 80’s. White and washed colors, deep wooden brown, gray, pops of color and functionality.

Don’t forget the ceiling

The most stylish cafés and coffee shops take the breath out of their clients after they see the ceiling. Their business owners hire renowned designers and architects to create a clean and beautiful final look. But you can emulate those ideas with big woods to design geometrical patterns, for example, or with paint in the shape of a landscape or scenario. Maybe dangling books, bicycle toys, old coffee cup, again, you can break the rules! But don't forget about the lamps!

Throw away those paintings

Yes, they are out of fashion. As it was mentioned above, you have to consider new ways to accomplish an eye-catching and cozy place to impress your clients. Can you imagine a tridimensional work of art giving the impression that is making its way out of the walls? That would be surreal! Options are almost endless, you could choose a corner and upgrade it with blackboard paint, and hand your clients some colored chalks, for instance.

A touch of vintage

Coffee is such a traditional drink that somehow it resembles a window to the past. Go over to your parents and grandparents basements for things that can add a touch of much-needed vintage. Old coffee pots, kettles, a Victorian-inspired set of coffee cups, and whatever that combines perfectly with your vision.

In Coffland Corp, we love to help the entrepreneur to get to the next level of recognition and positive attention. Follow us through our social media accounts and keep reading our blog for more interesting facts about the world of coffee, and our services. Good luck with your new journey in decorating your business!

Decorate your coffee shop with inspiration
Feel inspired by these useful recommendations.

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Google+: CofflandCorp

January 23, 2018

How Climate Change Is Affecting Coffee Production

Learn about the consequences of climate change in coffee plantations around the world
Higher temperatures, long droughts punctuated by intense rainfalls, more resilient pests and plant diseases are the main consequences.

Climate change is a conversation topic that people cannot avoid anymore. It’s a fact, and it’s here to stay if we do not work our way to the applications of environmentally friendly techniques in agriculture. But why should you care? Well, because coffee production is being affected by it, this is due to higher temperatures and shifting rainfall patterns. Just in Latin America, especially in Colombia and Brazil crops, more than 90 percent of the land destined to coffee production will suffer those effects according to the National Academy of Science.

Coffee is an essential drink in everyone's diet, and the demand is increasing by the minute. Just think about it! Europe still accounts for one-third of the coffee consumed worldwide, and China, which is the most populated country on the planet, has mastered to double its consumption in the last five years.

Because of unpredictable rainfall patterns and rising temperatures, coffee production is at risk. It can lose what it needs to achieve the quality of taste as good as it has to. This changes also impact the farmers' work and their family incomes. Here you have a closer look at the effects of climate change in this matter and how you can help to stop them.

The effects of climate change on coffee production

The increase of extreme and unseasonal rainfall events only results in lower crop yields that are threatening coffee growers means. Higher temperatures also contribute to the apparition of pests that will typically die in the cold weather of the mountains, this, added to unstable natural warming conditions, can stale their growth and reproduction. All of these factors can be devastating for coffee cherries and crops.

If this continues, many farmers will choose to grow other crops on lands that are less vulnerable to climate change. The move might be required to keep their plants healthy and productive. Or they can just increment coffee production, compromising the quality of the bean. In that matter, if the climate does not allow berries to ripen at the right time, the flavor will be altered as well.

You’re surely used to drink a coffee cup every day, and that possibility of change sounds scary. But the demand for coffee will keep rising, and these circumstances will not stop farmers and producers. However, there's a good chance that the way coffee tastes and the varieties available shift, depending on the region your providers use to cultivate and how these are affected by climate change. There's also a good chance that the economy of traditional coffee countries will drop abruptly. Other things that can happen to crops is that the alteration in their environment leads “confused” plantations -yes, plants can get confused when maturing- due to dissociated weather.

How to help it stop

As coffee is one of the biggest commodities in the world, and its demand is still shifting, this industry is a safe choice for entrepreneurs like you, but the approach must be different, especially if you want to reduce the impact of climate change thanks to your business decisions. 

Be aware of how you can recycle, reuse and build with green materials and technology. Inform yourself about techniques on how greening your business, because it will not only be good for the environment, but it can boost your sales. Remember that consumers are becoming more educated about the environmental impact of human activity. Let that value be your label!

In Coffland Corp, we work with the policy of fair trade coffee, which means that we aim to help farmers to engage with environmental techniques for agriculture, so we contribute by making coffee production sustainable. As providers, we guarantee eco-friendly cultivation practices to preserve the lands, their biodiversity, and coffee significant and exquisite flavor, which ultimately can claim higher net returns for your business. Contact us to know more about our services!

Learn how you can take action to reduce the effects of climate change

Coffland Corp fair trade coffee policy preserves environmental-friendly techniques in crops.

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January 22, 2018

Make These Five Delicious Chocolate Coffee Recipes

Chocolate coffee recipes that are easy to prepare
Coffee and chocolate can be combined in different ways. Delicious recipes are almost endless.

Chocolate and coffee are meant for each other. When it comes to beverage recipes, they are the perfect combo. The former comes from cocoa plants, and the latter is made with the beans of the coffee plant. By mixing them both, you will have an instant hit among your customers, guaranteed! 

This kind of drink it’s called "chocolate mocha" and sometimes "café mocha." If you order one, you are asking for an espresso combined with steamed milk and chocolate. Despite that, there are different ways you can offer this option to your coffee shop. We created a simple list of five delicious recipes you can try out for your business!

Spicy drink

To spice things up, add a quarter of a tablespoon of cinnamon to your coffee grounds, and a quarter of a tablespoon of chili powder or less. That's when you brew it. Then, you will need three spoonfuls of chocolate syrup or one of cocoa powder, regular milk (or steamed), two tablespoons of sugar and a half a cup of that spicy brew coffee. 

To the freshly brewed coffee you should add regular hot milk, and when is well mixed, pour the cocoa powder or add the chocolate syrup. Once it has the same consistent, put sugar on it.

Blended iced coffee

Instead of using ice cubes of water, which take out the flavor while it’s melting, we recommend you to make them out of chocolate milk for this recipe! As a base, you can use a quarter of a cup of espresso or others strong coffee, the same amount of milk, at least 5 to 6 iced cubs, a tablespoon of cocoa powder and a sweetener of your choice.

In a blender, just add the ingredients in whatever order you prefer and blend away! Then you can serve with whipped cream on top.

Dark chocolate mocha

As simple as it sounds, the result is strong yet smooth in flavor. For this recipe, you will need four tablespoons ground coffee, a cup of almond milk, two tablespoons sugar, two tablespoons dark cocoa powder, half of a teaspoon of vanilla extract, and four generous tablespoons of whipped cream. 

Brew coffee as you usually would, and meanwhile, -for about five minutes- whisk together the milk, sugar, dark cocoa and vanilla in a pan over medium fire. Keep whisking and don’t let it burn by reaching the boiling point. Add this chocolate mixture to your brewed coffee and stir. For the final touch, top with whipped cream and pour additional cocoa powder.

Milkshake chocolate coffee

This combination of ingredients will make your mouth water for days until you taste it yourself. For a creamy result, put chocolate ice cream, a banana, cold brewed coffee or espresso, almond milk, cocoa powder and sweetener of your choice in a blender. The measurements will depend on your taste and how balanced you want the flavor and texture to be.  
White chocolate latte
Yes, we know white chocolate is technically not chocolate but enters into that category for its unique fancy flavor. Now, let's proceed to the recipe: heat the milk in a small saucepan over medium heat for about five minutes. Once it’s removed from the stove, add white chocolate chips and keep whisking until they melt. As a result, you will have a syrup with which you’ll mix the brewed strong coffee. If you want extra sweetness, just stir in a teaspoon of sugar. Serve by pouring cocoa powder on top for a pop of color!

We bet you will run to your coffee shop to try these irresistible recipes! Although we love to drink a classic mocha, sometimes is nice to level up its traditional ingredients and methods. Contact us in Coffland Corp if you want to make a drink with unique coffee flavors, and follow us through our social media networks for more amazing ideas!

How to prepare chocolate coffee recipes
Making mochas at home was never this easy!

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Many Beans Out There! Did You Know about the Varieties of Coffee?

Can you imagine the amount of coffee beans that exist? We show you some of them here. Coffee beans are the raw material of any prepa...