August 8, 2017

The Science of Coffee: Is Milk Good or Bad?

The incorporation of milk into your favorite coffee cups is a science!

Milk has been part of the people's diet around the world as far as the agricultural activities have existed. This dairy product is used to make a variety of goods, but it has been a popular addition to coffee and part of its creative field as well. Most baristas are incredibly talented when it comes to combining milk with their coffee, creating unique shapes and flavors according to the client’s taste. But let’s head into the science of coffee and ask ourselves, is milk a good or bad addition to your preferred cup of joe? There are a lot of things to consider, and today you can learn much more about this to make the right choice!

The Pros
Milk is not only used to create latte art. For some people, incorporating milk into their coffee, it’s not about the looks. The texture of the beverage changes, as it becomes denser and softer, and if the milk was properly foamed, that whole taste changes offering an incredible experience. Milk inside your cup also brings other benefits, such as a small dose of proteins.

It’s also highly beneficial if you want to get a soft kick of caffeine, spacing out a dose that otherwise you would drink in just one strong portion. In the right dosage, it can also prevent esophageal cancer, as it lowers the temperature of the beverage and prevents heat burns on the throat. Also, as it lowers the pH, it avoids acidity and reflux, which other coffee drinks tend to cause.

The Cons
Most of the milk used for the preparation of coffee is animal derived, and whole milk. This means that it has a slightly higher fat content, which makes it a highly caloric option to get your daily dose of caffeine. This along with the change of the flavor of the coffee itself might be enough to deter someone from trying a cup with coffee and milk.

For some people, this combination might not be even safe. Milk is effectively an allergen element, and in small portions, it can detonate an allergic reaction and even digestive problems. Another negative effect: it changes the flavor of the original shot, and it can hide the various layers of the beans flavors under the flavor of the milk.

Conclusion: Suit yourself!
While we can go on and on about the pros and cons, the final say is up to you. Regardless of what we’ve said, we are sure that you can find the perfect alternative that suits your perfect cup of coffee. Remember that all you need to do is find a flavor you like, with or without it, and become an expert in it.  Besides, some varieties can be done with skimmed milk, almond milk, and many other variations to suit your taste, so don’t be shy to try as much as you want to find the perfect choice for you.

The base for all these preparations is the same: great quality coffee! In Coffland Corp, they know this and make sure to offer the alternatives to find the best flavors on the market. With the best roast selection and perfect blends to suit every single palate, they are your best option!
In the coffee world, personal preference is the one that determines this. 

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