April 24, 2018

The Ritual of Pour-Over Coffee

Pour-over coffee is one of the oldest methods of brewing, and even now is as popular as ever.

Pour-over, one of the most common and, at the same time, most satisfactory methods when preparing a tasty cup of coffee, either for oneself or a guest, is considered one of the sublime forms of homebrewing. On today’s article, we will talk about this ritual, its origins and how to do it properly.

The pour-over brewing method has its origins back in 1908 in Dresden, Germany, where Amalie Auguste Melitta Bentz thought that the percolator coffee she used left her morning coffee with a much -dreaded taste of over-extraction and bitterness. Not wanting these bad flavors to ru,in the beverage she loved so much, she began to experiment with different brewing methods.

Eventually, Amalie found that blotting paper (nowadays transformed into coffee filters) from her son’s school book worked best due to its porous, yet super absorbent properties. She took a brass pot, punctured it with a nail, put the blotting paper on top and began to brew. What came out from that was an entirely clean, savory coffee, with the unwanted bitterness gone.

Within just a few years a patent was acquired, and she began selling the pour-over brewing pots with her last name, “Melitta,” to the public. As the 1930’s came around, the flat bottom design began to lose it novelty shimmer, so the model was transformed into the more conical shape we know today. By doing this, a more extensive area for filtration was established, allowing for better coffee extraction. A couple of years later and the cone-shaped paper filters began to hit the shelves. Some years after she passed away in 1950, natural brown filters were introduced, allowing the coffee free from the chlorine that was used to turn filters white.

Now that you’re familiar with the background of this particular method, let’s get to the practical bit of our article.

A short beginner's guide to pour-over coffee brewing

These easy-to-follow steps are meant to provide a starting place for first-timers. Our recommendations are dependent on batch size, pour rate, roast level, processing method, all of which may vary. Experimenting is the key to new discovering, so adjust everything to your taste.

  1. Grind:

We recommend using a quality burr grinder. This method will ensure an increasingly consistent grind (and therefore extraction) or, in other words, will result in a more delicious cup of joe. Although for this we could suggest Arabica coffee beans, anything from Baratza or Mahlkonig will serve you well.

2)   Dose:

Begin with 60 grams of coffee for every 1 liter of water. Adjusting this ratio will affect other factors in ways both overt and subtle, so pay close attention. Changing any single parameter will also require a change elsewhere.

3)   Water:

Start with clean, filtered water, heated to 195-205 degrees (Fahrenheit). This usually yields the best results. If you need extra help, review the recommended accessories below to learn how to control water.

Optional: accessories

A slow-pouring kettle is essential to using these brewers well, remember to select the right one for you. A gram scale and thermometer will also help you brew great coffee consistently.

We hope you enjoyed our tips and articles, and please don’t hesitate to follow us on our social media. Ask away in the comment section! At Coffland Corp, all questions are important. By answering them we help you grind, brew, and serve the best coffee you ever tasted
Rituals are important, they teach patience and attention to detail, things that make brewing a subtle skill.

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April 23, 2018

Coffee & Chocolate: a Match Made in Heaven

From mocha to chocolate tiramisu, these recipes prove that cocoa and coffee are a perfect match.
We can all enjoy starting the morning with a hot, nice cup of coffee, as well as finishing the afternoon with a big, dark, and sweet piece of chocolate. There is only one thing that could make everything better... to mix these two wonders! The strong and intense flavor of coffee fused together with the sublime sweetness that only chocolate can offer is a gift that our palates will appreciate. On today's article, we will talk about some recipes that involve these two ingredients in a leading role.

You wake up on a Monday morning, you have to take the subway to get to work, and you need some extra energy, but it is also important to arrive in a good mood and with a contagious smile; the best way to raise spirits and start the day is with a delicious homemade mocha. Brew your coffee as you would typically, make this mocha your own by using whatever blend of coffee you enjoy the most, then mix in one teaspoon of cocoa powder (or any chocolate mix you prefer). If you want to make things more interesting, put this mix in the blender and add a couple of ice cubes with just a dash of vanilla extract, serve it, and enjoy; but why stop there? If you have a sweet tooth, put some whipped cream on top and stir it with cinnamon or a peppermint stick. Now that’s how you can start any morning.

And speaking about traditional recipes, we all have heard of the famous Italian dessert tiramisu, which involves coffee. However, times change, and methods can be altered, so why not add some chocolate and turn this classic cake into something even better?

Chocolate tiramisu recipe

  • Mascarpone cream: 16 oz mascarpone cheese.
  • Mascarpone cream: 5 large egg yolks.
  • Mascarpone cream: 5 tablespoons of white granulated sugar.
  • Black coffee (at room temperature).
  • Dark chocolate (enough to cover the tiramisu layers).
  • Ladyfingers cookies (enough to cover the tiramisu layers).
  • Cocoa powder (enough to cover the tiramisu layers).
  • Whipped cream: heavy cream + sugar (to taste).


Making the mascarpone cream:

1- The first step is mixing the egg yolks with the sugar. As you may know, tiramisu has raw eggs, so you have to make sure to get fresh eggs.

2- Add the sugar to the egg yolks (count 1 tablespoon of sugar per egg yolk). Using an egg beater, beat 4 egg yolks with 4 oz of white sugar until you get a whitish mixture.

3- Once the egg mixture is creamy and whitish, start adding the mascarpone cheese little by little, beating small amounts of mascarpone into the egg yolk mixture before adding the rest.

Preparing the other ingredients:

1- The next component you need is coffee. Brew your regular, favorite black coffee and let it cool down until it reaches room temperature.

2- We got the mascarpone cream and coffee, next step is to make the chocolate mix. Use a kitchen knife, and finely chop the dark chocolate.

Putting together the tiramisu:

1- This is where the assembling begins. Start with the ladyfingers: dip them in the coffee and place them in your tiramisu pan (you can use a glass baking pan). Make sure to dip them quickly. Otherwise, they’ll probably break.

2- Cover the layer of ladyfingers with a layer of mascarpone cream and smooth it out with a spatula. Make sure to put a generous layer of mascarpone to cover it all up.

3- Sift cocoa powder on top of the mascarpone. Then add a bit of the dark chocolate pieces on top of the cocoa powder.

4- Keep adding the same layers until you finish your ingredients. End with a layer of ladyfingers.

5- Whip the cold heavy cream with the sugar (to taste) until you get thick peaks. We will use this as a topping for the tiramisu.

6- Cover the last layer of ladyfingers with the whipped cream. Sift cocoa powder on top and decorate with the dark chocolate pieces.

Final steps and serving:

Place the tiramisu in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours so that the cookies soak up the coffee and the other flavors. You can remove it from the fridge 15 minutes before serving.

Hope you enjoyed our tips and recipes, and please don’t hesitate into following us on our social media and ask away in the comment section. At Coffland Corp, all questions are important. By answering them, we help you grind, brew, and serve the best coffee you ever tasted.
Sometimes all you need is to add some espresso to your bake mix and put some choco-chips on top! Voilà!

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April 18, 2018

Discover the Secret Behind the Espresso Coffee

If you know how to identify a good espresso, you're halfway through to be a connoisseur! 

Have you ever find yourself thinking in how does your barista do that amazing espresso? Well, today is one of those days where we give you the secret behind the most amazing coffee. You already know we love to provide you with secret formulas.

If you love our weekly exposing the barista tricks, you may enjoy this one too. When you find out what’s behind this technique, you definitely will want to try them at home to prove the hidden knowledge we’re teaching you.

What’s the truth behind a good espresso?

There are too many things to keep in mind when you want to make a perfect espresso. We know, espresso is just grounded coffee brewed with hot water, but what’s behind in the preparation and the specifications they might meet, are the real secret to make it perfect for you.

Did you know that depending of the quality on your coffee beans and it species the taste will change? That’s why you need high-quality and selected beans for a perfect espresso. They must be perfectly roasted to have the flavor you’re looking in.

Something that will make your coffee taste different is the water you’re using for it. Why? We already know water must be unflavored, but we also know that’s impossible. In fact, the taste of the water will change depending on the location it’s coming from.

Another fact you must know is that the grinding size influences the taste of the coffee; a small grind might end in a tasteless coffee; a big grind could end with a disgusting bitterness in the coffee extraction. For that reason, you must check your grind size. Eventually, you’ll find the ideal size. If you have problems with it, you can also think in investing in another grind. This one may be the essential part of a good espresso.

Precision is another important part. As time passes, you will know how to get the exact measure of the 7 grams or the 14 grams, and you’ll have the precise time for each extraction without any problem. Some things might help you to know where to stop the extraction. In this case, for a regular espresso, you can count to 25 or 30 seconds depending on your machine; you can also see if the extraction is done by the malt cover that the coffee machine will throw into your cup.

Time and practice will make everything perfect. But the information we’ve recently given to you is the most important to keep in mind. One day, you’ll see you can make an ideal coffee in an exact minute or even in less time. Don’t put too much pressure on your shoulders; nobody was born knowing everything or being a perfect barista.

Those are today’s advice for you to be the best barista and for making the best cup of joe in your town. Coffland Corp will always look forward to you turning yourself in the best version of you in this coffee business.
If you know how to identify a good espresso, you're halfway through to be a connoisseur! 

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April 17, 2018

Learn About the Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Coffee is not just another beverage to keep you awake, it has even more benefits! 

You must be the kind of person who probably needs a daily cup of joe, especially in the mornings. For that reason, you may be asking yourself “what are the real benefits of drinking coffee?” You may get surprised by it.

Your daily doses of caffeine have even more benefits than you would ever think. Today, we’re going to give you further information about those benefits. You will love them, as well as your cup of coffee.

What are the benefits of drinking coffee?

The aroma of coffee can release stress from your body. It is an incredible property of the beverage; in fact, this is amazing if you think in all the pressure we’re used to in our daily routines, which could make you feel stressed and this isn’t good for your organism. For that reason, coffee will be a useful therapy for you.

If you want to lose weight, this is one of the best fat burning methods for you. Drinking a good espresso without sugar may help you to improve your metabolism, and it could even help you to burn fat even faster with a healthy daily exercise routine.

Another fantastic benefit is that it can make you lower the possibilities of type II diabetes. This characteristic is terrific for people that have diabetes into their genetical inheritance. You can put yourself away from this just by drinking coffee.

Studies have discovered that it could even lower the risk of some types of cancer. This statement may be ridiculous for some people; in fact, long time ago, some scientists said that coffee might be one of the causes of cancer. But a couple of years later, specialists prove them wrong. It can make the probabilities of having cancer decrease in an impressive way.

Caffeine may have antioxidant properties that could help you look younger and healthier. If you combine coffee with fruits, you can have an excellent and balanced diet for you to live longer and in better conditions than before.

This benefit is for fitness people:
After your workout, coffee may help you ease the pain and feel better. This drink is way better and delicious than your average soda. And if you can’t stand the bubbly beverages, coffee is the perfect drink for you after a good workout routine.

This marvelous beverage could help you avoid cirrhosis. This benefit is a relief for people that like to drink coffee but doesn’t have a 100% healthy liver. Knowing this information might help someone you appreciate and you are afraid of them having liver problems.

Just after you’ve read about those benefits of coffee, you must keep something important in your mind. Drinking too much coffee is also bad for your health. Like everything in life, nothing is good enough to be taken in excess and coffee is one of those things. Here at Coffland Corp, we encourage you to try coffee responsibly so you don’t generate any damage to your body.
You can find plenty of properties that are good for your health into your daily cup of joe.

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April 16, 2018

Properties of the Arabica Beans

Learn more about the arabica beans and their properties.

Have you ever found a seller who, in fact, knows everything about the product he’s selling to you? No, I’m not referring to those sellers that give you fake information about the product. I’m referring to people who have taken its time to investigate and convince their clients to buy a product from them.

If you are confused and want to be like that ideal seller, you can get as much information as we can give you about this: a magical variation of our delicious coffee. After reading this, you might be prepared to make an extended investigation to provide reliable information about this product to your clients.

Arabica beans characteristics:

  • First things first, we should talk about the caffeine content of each Arabica bean. The Arabica coffee is the softest, but also the best of them. This type of bean has a caffeine content between 1,5 % to 1,7 %.

  • Arabica coffee is the gourmet coffee for excellence. For that reason, if you want a real gourmet beverage, you should make it from Arabica beans with a robust selection.

  • It’s the most delicate type of coffee. It goes through a hard selection when the farmers are farming the beans that will be sold. That’s why it’s a natural gourmet coffee.

  • It needs to be cultivated in a high place. To be more exact, over the 600m AMSL.

  • It takes over 6 years to be fully matured. It will take a longer time for someone who is recently getting into the coffee industry.

  • It’s susceptible to the plague bugs, but the farmers cannot use pesticide in the coffee crops. That’s why the crops must be checked by their owners constantly to take away the plague and protect the beans.

  • Most of the Arabica beans are empty. That’s why it goes through a hard selection where professionals select them and determine which ones are ready to be put into the bag of gourmet coffee.

  • An Arabica bean can be lightly sweet and has a soft bitterness. Depending on its variation, you can find a robust or light flavor. That’s why this is the most amazing type of coffee bean.

  • It has a significant variation of types. Like we said before, the class will determine its taste and could change everything for the real coffee experts.

This is the most basic information we can give you to start looking by yourself for more and complex data. I can assure you, if you have a demanding client, knowing this and a little bit more about your product will make a big difference.

Most people want to know if their distributor has the basic knowledge about the products he’s trying to sell. That will give your customers confidence enough to ask whatever they want about the coffee, while you make them feel like you’re guiding them, not just making up random facts about it.
Arabica coffee beans are the most delicious. It has a soft but strong flavor.

April 13, 2018

Creative and Easy Coffee Tips for Your Visits

If you want to impress someone, we have the perfect tips.

Have you ever been on a moment of pressure where you don’t know what to serve to your unexpected visitors? No matter what, we are going to make that struggle go away from your life forever.

If you want to give a surprise to your unannounced visitors, this is your time. These fantastic and easy coffee ideas to make at home, for that awkward situations, will save your life.

Easy coffee recipes for unexpected visitors

Gingerbread latte

If your visitors like the spicy flavor that gingerbread has, this may be the best and easy recipe to let them drop their jaws to the floor. They won’t believe you did this spectacular and easy coffee recipe for them.


Gingerbread syrup.
Espresso extraction.
Whipped cream.

First of all, you should steam your milk. If you want to steam the milk with the gingerbread syrup, even better! After you steamed the milk, you should put some ginger syrup, just in the bottom of the cup. Then you must pour the coffee into your mug.

When your coffee is in your mug, you should pour the milk slowly. As a finishing touch, you should put the whipped cream and serve it to your visitors. They will fall in love with it for sure!

Iced vanilla caramel

If your visits are into frappuccinos, this is your chance to impress them with an excellent coffee smoothie. We’ve already given you some coffee smoothies recipes for your daily breakfast. Today we’re giving you this one to be in everybody’s mouth.


Espresso extraction (at room temperature).
Vanilla coffee creamer.
Caramel syrup.
Ice cubes.
Whipped cream.

This recipe is about a really easy coffee because you’ll only need to throw all the ingredients into the blender until it gets creamy. To finish it, you’re going to add some whipped cream to the cup or glass you’re serving it. Now you’re ready to go!

You can also add some ice cream if you want to make it more like a milkshake but it will depend on you and what you have at home. Add some caramel syrup over the whipped cream to give a better presentation to serve.

Spiced mocha

This one is the most creative of all. I can guarantee your visits will want to steal this recipe from you. In fact, they’re going to be amazed by your creation. There’s no way this could go wrong.


Ground coffee.
Brown sugar.
Chocolate syrup.
Vanilla extract.
Whipped cream.

First of all, mix the first 3 ingredients. After that, put them on a filter and brew your coffee as you would typically do it.

Steam the milk with the rest of the ingredients as you would do it for a mocha. Now that you’ve finished the preparation, it’s time to mix it pouring it into your glass. Put the milk first and then pour the coffee slowly with patience. When you finish it, serve it with the whipped cream, and you’re done! You can add some cinnamon and nutmeg to the whipped cream to add a better presentation.

Now you’re ready to impress everyone! Beware: your neighbors and friends will want to visit you even more if you always receive them with these creations. Your house is always going to be full of friends thanks to Coffland Corp!

Everyone will talk about your astounding coffee creations.

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Many Beans Out There! Did You Know about the Varieties of Coffee?

Can you imagine the amount of coffee beans that exist? We show you some of them here. Coffee beans are the raw material of any prepa...