July 31, 2017

The Correct Amount of Coffee you Should Drink per Day

Medical studies have confirmed that there's a limit on how much coffee you should drink per day.

You might want to hold down that coffee cup you are drinking while reading this. You may not have thought about it, but maybe you are consuming too much coffee per day! Yes, that’s right: there’s a “too much” for coffee. While most people don’t consider this drink to be nocive, the reality is that coffee can do more harm than good when you exceed the daily consumption. For that reason, today we’re going to talk about the right amount of coffee you should drink per day.

The main ingredient of coffee is caffeine. This is a powerful neurostimulator and part of what makes this beverage the to-go choice when you want to perk up and focus. But like any other stimulant, its excessive consumption could have nocive effects, even if studies and medical examination boards have not decided to include it yet on the list of addictive substances. The right amount is within the normal consumption of the average American: 3.1 per cups a day. Caffeine amount per day should not be more than 400 milligrams per day. With each coffee cup ranking up to 94 milligrams of caffeine, is safe to say that 4 or fewer cups should do the deal.

At this point, you might have questions. Why can’t you drink more than that amount per day? How does more coffee affect your body? The first thing you need to learn is that caffeine is like any neurostimulator: when consumed for an extended period, it creates something called “habituation.” This word means that it becomes a habit, something you need to do to complete your daily routine. That’s why people drink coffee at the same hour or crave it at specific times of the day. This process allows their body to increase their tolerance to the substance, needing more to satisfy their needs: energy, focus, etc. It's common knowledge that you can get withdrawal symptoms from stopping the coffee consumption if you’ve been habituated. When that happens, you are very close to the definition of “addiction.”

Drinking too much caffeine will not only create this habituation, but it will also affect your body in other ways. While there’s a distinct relationship between coffee and insomnia, some people claim this habit relaxes them and doesn’t interfere with their sleeping patterns. However, even if these claims have been tested and confirmed, they are not the norm.  When you drink too much coffee, your body becomes permanently stimulated, and often creates nervous habits. This, in turn, can hamper your health: it can make you jumpy and stressed, along with other symptoms of habituation. Hence, you need to stick to a healthy 4 coffee cups top per day, to have all the benefits, minus the potential risks for your health.

While it’s important to not go overboard with coffee, it’s also vital that, when you drink it, you do it correctly. Coffee drinking should be a pleasurable event, where you can relax and enjoy the delicious flavors that only a good cup can offer you. To accomplish this experience, you need to acquire the best beans. And the company to get them is Coffland Corp! With an institutional line and a private brand system where you can design your personalized flavor profile, they are your best choice. Enjoy spectacular coffee in the right measure with their help! Contact them now!
Did you know that you need to drink a specific amount to harness the benefits of coffee?

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Google+: CofflandCorp

July 28, 2017

The Truth about Coffee Tamping

For most coffee brewers, the tamping process is a vital step. 

Baristas are professionals for a reason:
they know the techniques to make each cup taste like heaven. They are prepared to take simple beans and transform them into unique brews, according to the choice of the customer. And when their customers look for the espresso preparation, there’s a whole new set of challenges. One of the least known parts of this process is the tamping: the pressure applied to the ground beans into the reservoir of the espresso machine before locking it in and allowing pressurized water to go through it. What’s the real reason for this? Why do baristas and coffee lovers do it?

The tamping process is not taken lightly: it’s necessary to ensure the best cup possible. Once the coffee beans are ground to the measure of the filter of the coffee machine, in the right amount per basket, you’ll have to consider the process of tamping a vital step. Tamping is applying pressure to the basket full of ground beans to allow the coffee to compact. This removes air bubbles and creates a uniform surface for the pressurized water to flow through, creating an even extraction.

While some say that this step does not change the flavor, it's easy to see how this process actually affects how the coffee tastes. The tamping process ensures that the flavor is correctly extracted out of the ground beans. When done, you can be sure that all flavor characteristics of the coffee beans will be fully extracted. The extraction of flavor comes out of the contact of hot water with the exposed surface of the ground beans, and when they are evened out in the container, this flow is steady. This ensures that every part of the basket contents in the portafilter is touched by water, allowing uniformity in the profile flavor that will come out into your cup.

The tamping process requires skill to ensure that every part of the basket has the correct amount of coffee, resulting the best flavor possible. While tutorials to tamper are easy to come by, you’ll have to try it for yourself, and practice it several times, to have the necessary skill to do them. If done with body pressure, you need to take care of how you put pressure into the tamper to avoid a lesion by a repetitive action, or that you don’t tamper correctly allowing air pockets. Practice is the key to have the grip on tamping.

If you want to have a great cup of coffee, you need to know what lies behind the counter of your preferred coffee shop. Coffland Corp can inform you, and help you find the right choice of roasted beans for your business. Besides, if you want unique flavors, they can help you prepare private brands that will be done just for you! Check their social media and contact them to start to create unique products for your coffee business!
It ensures the effective production of the flavor per preparation.

Facebook: CofflandCorp
Twitter: CofflandCorp
Instagram: CofflandCorp

Google+: CofflandCorp

July 27, 2017

How to Create a Productive Coffee Business

The employees work together, along with the overall environment and the products you offer, to create a cohesive and functional business. 

Businesses are more than just dreams. For many people, they are the alternatives to have a chance to jump in the world of commerce. They are the materialization of their ideas, and more often than not, the realization of their dreams. But those ventures need to be productive to be great, and coffee businesses are no exception. These are also subjected to the same requirements and particular challenges of any investment in the food market. So, what can you do to make it successful? Here’s a handy guide!

Create the right ambiance
Customers like to be submerged into the experience a shop or venue offers. Coffee shops are no exception, as they -your customers- love to feel like they are in their unique corner of the coffee world. Ambiance, combined with right products, it’s what creates loyalty, and increases profits.

Use their habits to your advantage
Coffee consumers are creatures of habit. They pick their favorite cups, buy them at steady hours, and often consume more than one per day. So why don’t you use this knowledge to your advantage? Offer them prices for their fidelity, promotions or something extra that will make your business stand out from the rest.

Work with professionals
Nothing kills a business like bad service. You can offer a unique product, but if the ability and attention of your employees are subpar, then your business will suffer. With the help of professional employees and the right costumer's attention, your venture will succeed.

Do extensive analysis
You’ll need to work with your employees to define and identify the characteristics of your customers. These guides will be part of your user analysis data, and you can use it as a guide to work on opportunities to increase your profit margins.

In Coffland Corp, they know that any business needs to have the right characteristics in order to be productive.  Beyond that, in the coffee business, you need to acquire the right ingredients to produce the best coffee possible! This will ensure success in other ventures and will create a steady clientele base. Purchase perfectly roasted beans to create your private brand and reach the customers you want! Contact them now!
Agregar leyenda

Facebook: CofflandCorp
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Instagram: CofflandCorp

Google+: CofflandCorp

July 26, 2017

What's the Brewed Coffee Compass?

Using the compass will allow you to experience coffee in whole new way!

Coffee lovers are all around the world. Many of them started trying exceptional coffees at their preferred coffee shop and fell in love with the different qualities that came with every single presentation and brewing method they tried. That love often leads to an idea: “Why don’t I try to make this at home?”. They bring home different brew methods, quality coffee and then found themselves experimenting with the characteristics of their cups. That’s when things got all wrong. The flavors weren’t quite right or what they were expecting. But homebrewers have a magical aide that can turn those bitter experiences into experiences of success: the Brewed Coffee Compass.

The Brewed Coffee Compass method, created by Matt Perger, from Barista Hustle, is a way to ensure that the flavors you get are the ones you want to be in your cups. Using a cause-reaction process, it states the different relations between the brewing process and the flavor and characteristics you obtain in your cup. With a logical relationship per features and an easy-to-use image as a guide, it’s no wonder why this method has become the preferred one for home coffee brewers.

The Brewed Coffee Compass is a method that can be used with almost any method of brewing. The only exception is the espresso. Its preparation is unique, and the factors used to change and readjust the flavor and characteristics of each cup can not be modified in the espresso machines. With that settled, why don’t you learn how to apply this coffee compass method?

The first thing you need to do is to brew the coffee like you normally do. Then, with your fresh cup, devote some time to identifying the flavors and characteristics of your coffee. What’s the body? What about the acidity, bitterness, sweetness, and aftertaste? All of these features fall among the description of your coffee, and they will work as the center of your compass. Now you’ll have to make your brew belong to a particular category within the safe zone of the compass (that in the original coffee compass method is green and on the left).

To the right of the main compass is an asterisk containing the counterparts to the affectation of your flavor. Imagine your cup in the center. What do you need to do to put that center in the “balanced” area of the left diagram? You need to adjust your brewing preparation. There are basic things that can affect the flavor and you need to consider when making cups of coffee.

  • Grinding: It can affect the release (extraction) of flavors per cup. For example, finer grinds release more flavor than coarser grinds in short periods of time.
  • Brewing time: The time the coffee spends in contact with water creates a different flavor. Longer brewing time often leads to softer flavors.
  • Water rate: The proportion of water poured in a determined preparation for coffee will define the strength of the flavor.

Coffland Corp knows better than anyone that working with coffee requires dedication and high-quality products. For that reason, they offer perfect blends made for your unique needs, helping you create a distinctive flavor. Contact them and use their excellent presentations to prepare the dreamed for home brew, or to take it to the next level starting your own business venture. Remember to use the Brewed Coffee Compass to create the best flavor, and you will be on the success path! Contact Coffland Corp for more information about what they can offer you!
This is a method to improve the flavor of homemade and professionally made coffee brews. 

Facebook: CofflandCorp
Twitter: CofflandCorp
Instagram: CofflandCorp

Google+: CofflandCorp

July 25, 2017

A comprehensive Guide into the Instagram Coffee Movement

As a business, you need to recognize the value of publicity stemming from social media.

Instagram is currently one of the best markets out there. Companies strive to reach the audience that snaps pictures and post them on the online platform with the biggest growth rate in the past years. With up to 700 million monthly active users, 77.8 million of those from the US, it's no wonder why any commercial venture would want to participate in this business. And coffee business is no exception. But this Instagram Coffee Movement started almost by accident.

Coffee chain stores prepare special drinks with iced coffee. They are spectacular in flavor, but one of the most incredible things about it is the aspect. The cups are often incredibly appealing: with syrups, sparkles and whipped cream, they capture the attention of consumers in store. Eventually, with the growth of the online community and the frequency by which the people that bought these drink snapped pictures of it, it became more popular. It even started a trend on Instagram, and alongside it, a casual remark that, while many can consider negative, has an impact: nowadays taking pictures of coffee it’s the epitome of the most 'basic' on Instagram.  But regardless of the interpretation of the few, the movement of coffee lovers keeps on growing on Instagram.

Why Instagram for coffee pictures?
Instagram is the tool with most visibility. While Flickr and other social media profiles have a significative number of users, Instagram takes the cake as the most commonly used tool for picture sharing among social media platforms.

There are several reasons why Instagram is the leader of the coffee movement on social media. Here are a few:

  • Hashtags: You can use specific terms to group people by their interest. In this particular niche, the users associate themselves with some words or small phrases, such as #Coffee, #CoffeeTime, #CoffeeLovers, #CoffeeAddict, and so on.
  • Comfort: To use Instagram, all you need is the app on your smartphone or any other device, and you can pull pictures up it in a second. Pair it with high-quality pictures, and you are in the movement.

  • Engagement: One of the advantages of Instagram is that it generates a straightforward and steady engaged base of followers. Interacting with other users through the hashtags is easy.

However, the elements that make Instagram great go beyond this, and brands know it. It potentiates the use of these specific hashtags, grouping the users within their niche. The Instagram Coffee Movement is important for companies because it helps brands to reach without investing too much. Users can transform themselves into replicative elements for the interests of the enterprise, without having to spend loads of money.

As a brand, you can turn your product into something appealing for Instagram users with a few tweaks on how you handle your business. The first thing you need to do is to identify what makes your coffee unique: Is it the flavor? The presentation? The ambiance? All of these things affect how social media users perceive your brand, and how they want to interact with what you offer.

As a thumb rule, you need to create something that can identify your brand, whether a logo or a special presentation for your coffee. With this, you’ll not only make it appealing to customers but easily identifiable as an element in a picture. Then, create places for them to share: repost their content, interact with them, create hashtags. All of these things will increase your sales, as you are now part of the Instagram Coffee Movement in the most efficient way!

Coffland Corp knows that social media can potentiate your brand, and help you create something unique for your business. They create the blends you will offer to your users, and it’s up to you to create the looks that will transform the way your brand is perceived in social media. Pair good coffee with excellent visibility of your store, and you’ll have unique results!
Many markets owe their success to social media. The coffee is no exception!

Facebook: CofflandCorp
Twitter: CofflandCorp
Instagram: CofflandCorp

Google+: CofflandCorp

July 24, 2017

Immersion Vs Dripping: What's the best Coffee Brewing Technique?

Learn all about the different coffee preparation methods! 

If there’s something that coffee lovers can’t seem to agree on is the best coffee brewing technique. Although there’s a universal consensus on how coffee is better (freshly brewed, with perfectly roasted and ground beans according to the brewing method), there are countless possibilities, which vary incredibly among each other, when making a cup of coffee. Each method offers different flavors and appeals to different audiences.

All of the methods out there (Espresso, Chemex, French Press, etc.) fit in two distinctive categories: immersion and dripping. Both of these involve the passing of water through the grinds but differ on the time and direction of the flow. They also give different qualities to the end product in the cups. But what’s the best brewing technique among them?

One of the main differences among them is the strength of the final product. The immersion method allows water to pass freely between the ground beans. It requires less time of contact between the coffee and the water, and the resulting brew has a stronger flavor, due to the quick release of chemicals. The dripping method requires coffee to sit and interact with water for a lengthy period (1 drip per second, or so). This causes the release of flavor, but also absorption of water. Because of this, the flavor is softer, and without the acidic tang of an immersion method.
The body of the brews are different: the dripping method generates a tea-like body, with a soft texture and flavor, while the immersion method it’s thicker and stronger. The immersion method often requires a later softening of the flavor, as it’s quite robust, making it ideal to combine with other ingredients or to drink in small amounts. While preference of each method change according to personal opinions, there’s no real consensus as to which one of these methods is better.  

Along with the brewing technique, the grain, the accompanying elements, environmental temperature, and even the shape of the cup are also part of the process of picking the best coffee for each person. Coffland Corp offers the best beans and blends in the market for you to make your preferred cup of coffee, either by the immersing or the dripping technique. Find your personal choice and pair it with their unique products!
Both subdivide the common coffee brewing methods.

Facebook: CofflandCorp
Twitter: CofflandCorp
Instagram: CofflandCorp
Google+: CofflandCorp

July 21, 2017

How to Make the Best To-Go Coffee Pack

Pair perfect coffee with snacks and beautiful presentations, and you'll have a great business.

Big office buildings and work environments know the power of a conveniently timed cup of coffee. Most companies create ways for customers to take their preferred perfect coffee brew blends back to their workplace, home or any other social activity. The combo of a good cup, along with a nice extra to add up, like a soft and fluffy cupcake or a crunchy cookie, always makes everyone happy. But how do companies make the perfect to-go presentations for their customers? Here’s a handy guide on how to do it!

Why have a to-go option?
The to-go packages are often cups and containers where people hold different complements, such as cookies or muffins. The best thing about to-go options is that they offer convenient presentations of the flavors people look for in the stores. As they want to be able to take your product back home or to their workplace, this is an excellent option to increase the customer base.

For many businesses, there’s no real consensus as to why they need to have a to-go option. One of the things that make coffee attractive for businesses and companies is the extension of their visual image onto the packages. To appeal customers, coffee shops often offer other alternatives to complement the usual to-go cup. Desserts and treats are offered as snack options to enjoy while drinking a smoking cup of coffee. These usually act as part of the to-go package and create a recognizable and creative look for brands.

The to-go market is ideal for several reasons: increases brand awareness, by creating the publicity through the use of other people, and makes your store approachable and convenient. It also helps you expand to a new market, as the to-go customers are up to 40% of the total coffee consumers, and increases the profit margin with a considerably lower investment. Although the experience in-store is valuable,  there are many perks of investing in this way of pleasing your customers!

How to make the best to-go option?
There are certain things you can do to increase your appeal as a to-go option for customers. You must be careful with how you handle the project of creating alternatives for them to take your products outside your store.  

These are the elements of an effective to-go pack:
  • Coffee cup: The king of the pack needs to be prepared and served in a container designed to minimize the chance of spilling in the package.
  • Complementary element: Add muffins, cookies, croissants, etc. Any of those elements work as a complementary snack for consumers to nib on while drinking their coffee.
  • Brand identification: Emblazon the package with your essence in the shape of an attractive logo. Even the name repeated in a pattern over the elements in the package will do.
  • Heat or cold protection: Coffee needs to remain at the same temperature as long as possible. A sleeve to protect the consumer and the coffee from the extreme cold or heat is ideal, and a nice touch.
  • Transport method: A bag or a box create a protective environment for your products.

Coffland Corp creates the blends that can help you build a loyal customer base. This, paired with perfect presentations in to-go packages, creates the essence of a unique and extraordinary brand. Contact them to find out how they can help you create those perfect opportunities to transform your business!
This is a portion of the coffee market that you can own!

Facebook: CofflandCorp
Twitter: CofflandCorp
Instagram: CofflandCorp

Google+: CofflandCorp

Many Beans Out There! Did You Know about the Varieties of Coffee?

Can you imagine the amount of coffee beans that exist? We show you some of them here. Coffee beans are the raw material of any prepa...